About "Zum Kleinen Seehof"

Owner: Michael Franzen
Uferstraße 6,
52152 Simmerath-Woffelsbach
Phone: (0049) (0) 2473 2605
Fax: (0049) (0) 2473 2014

You can sit on our terrace and enjoy a ‘Kühles Blondes’...
... or sunbathe on our sunbathing lawn with a ‘cool blonde’... you can also hire a boat from us

The chef himself cooks here!
We spoil you with tastefully rounded dishes and offer fresh regional and seasonal specialities.

Sit together and enjoy a drink, chat, laugh or play cards with the other guests at the bar or at the table.

Zum Kleinen Seehof

Owner: Michael Franzen

Uferstr. 6
D-52152 Simmerath-Woffelsbach
Fon.: (0049) (0) 2473 2605
Fax: (0049) (0) 2473 2014

Here you can send your enquiry or reservation!
When making a reservation, please include your address and telephone number.

    en ENGLISH
    de DEUTSCH